Saturday, January 19, 2013

WRUP: What Are You Playing This Weekend ?

Lanarchy: Now that I've finished both Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword, I'll answer last week's question as to which one I preferred. I will have to say Twilight Princess. Skyward was better in terms of gameplay and dungeon design, but Twilight was actually in Hyrule (Skyward wasn't) and I cannot forget the amazing Midna. Her duo with Link was one of the best in the history of gaming, plus Twilight's gameplay wasn't bad by any means. Just Skyward's was a tad better due to the Motion Plus controls. Now that that's answered, this weekend I'll be playing Persona 3 (image above) and Street Fighter IV. Probably some Borderlands 2 as well. And yes, Persona 3, a PS2 game. I had never played the Persona series but a friend of mine really recommended them, she was like "OMG YOU NEED TO PLAY THIS OMG" and I'm glad I did. I'm enjoying it lots so far. The characters are so interesting and likable. I'm probably going to place this series into my Top 10 RPG Series. It's that good, and I haven't even played Persona 4 yet.

Andre: I had a crazy week. Can you believe that on Thursday, I didn't even have time to play any game...? The next few weeks will bring lots of changes as well and it might lead to a blackhole on my writing for GBV during this period. This weekend, we are receiving a bunch of friends to play poker... yeah Analog Poker if I may call it that. No remotes, real cards. Despite my rebellious week against video games, I'll still play some PS3 for sure. Dust 514 is on the map as well as some NBA Jam.

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