Saturday, December 15, 2012

WRUP: What Are You Playing This Weekend ?

Lanarchy: This weekend I will be playing Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS3), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) and Persona 3 FES (PS2). I am absolutely in love with Persona 3, I didn't even know that series was so amazing. If I can, I'll also find some time for Borderlands 2 (PC).

Andre: This week I finally got myself a working Wii to replace my broken one. So I'll be adding Lego LOTR as my Wii game for the weekend. I'm having an evening at a friends house and we should be playing NSMB and maybe some Wii Sports Resort. PS3 will be powered on for a bit of Infamous 2 as well, almost done getting my 100% trophies. On the Vita, I'm done with Gravity Rush so I'll be giving a run to Uncharted: Golden Abyss and a bit of Jet Set Radio. I might not watch any TV Shows this weekend but I'll try to convince my girlfriend to start the Star Wars saga... 

And You, WRUP this weekend ?

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